Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dreams...they do come true!

Not to put all my eggs in one basket as I am still two months away from when I could possibly leave... But after speaking with my placement officer and getting the questions such as: How is your family support, where are you in terms of safety and precautions, what have you been doing to live the life of a volunteer, really everything that they should but after the phone call and a check with legal my placement officer emailed me the most amazing news, I did the happiest happy dance I've done in years:


I checked with the Legal Eligibility  Office and was informed that your ticket was/is not a problem. So, I am clearing you for Peace Corps service and issuing you an invitation to serve in a Peace Corps health assignment departing for the Pacific Islands September 4th .  However, there is one condition.  I will need a final transcript that has the words “degree conferred” and the date by the first week of August at the latest.    

Your invitation should arrive in 5-10 business days.  After reading through your invitation materials, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.   Otherwise, please follow the detailed instructions in your invitation packet on how to accept your invitation.  

Thanks for the information regarding your address. I suspect that our mail room will not be too keen about sending a packet to an addresses in Ghana without numbers.  Therefore, I would be inclined to use the P.O. Box address, as it seems a bit “safer” if you will."

seriously can't believe this...

Sometimes I really do wish I was a crier. I feel amazing. I know it's all speculation and things could happen to make me not be apart of it but... Im on cloud 9 right now so I'm just thinking about all the positives. I probably won't be too crazy until I'm on that plane over and have fully be swore in after training to know that everything is real, but until then I'll be in my dreamland just happy to know that my dreams are coming true. <3 thank you everyone for their support. It's been an amazing ride just to get this far. I love you daddy, my life would mean nothing without you.

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