About Me!

Where to start...

I'm 20 something. A youngin, but the older I get the younger I feel mentally. Started out 7 going on 30, now 22 going on 12. Peter Pan is my hero. An Alumnae from Chi Omega is my absolute role model. My sincere passion in life is learning and advocating for people who can't speak for themselves. I believe in health education and the spread of knowledge throughout the world to assist communities who can't do it alone.

I am graduating in July 2012 with a B.A in Psychology minoring in Interdisciplinary Studies. I live my life a day at a time. My first time outside the United States was this May when I left to Ghana to intern with the Ladybug Project Inc/Bediako: YouthAids Foundation Office. I'm still here going through the Peace Corps process and it has been one of the most rewarding processes I've ever had. I am truly blessed. God granted me with the best father a girl could ask for to let me know that I can DO ANYTHING with hard work and determination.

My life once revolved around others and now it revolves around me. That may sound weird considering I might have the chance to give two years of my life helping others in a developing country but I think that because I've learned more about myself and am still learning to define myself as the person I am happy to be, I can give myself to others in ways that I haven't been able to before.

I love giving back and am proud to be a part of the Peace Corps process. I hope that my determination and dedication to serving others will lead me to a greater path in my future endeavors. I honestly have no idea what I'll do once I'm out of the Peace Corps if invited, this has been my dream for so long. I'm just going through the advantages of being alive and healthy right now, can't look too much into the future. Ohohoh! My favorite animals are giraffes! :) Hope you find the blog at least somewhat educational if not comical. Good luck with your own future with the Peace Corps! I can tell you that in my year of the application, I've dealt with some of the hardest emotional roller coasters I've ever dealt with (not even from the Peace Corps) but every moment I kept my eye on my dreams of the Peace Corps and now I am ore thankful for that determination than ever before. If you need any personal advice my email is cnwinslo@gmail.com!

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