What a crazy couple months its been!! From Christmas and New Years in my host village to celebrating crazy times with fellow Peace Corps Volunteers, to FINALLY HAVING A NEW SITE!!
That's right, I have a spanking new site! No Peace Corps Volunteer has ever been to this village and it's right on the beach!! My house is on the church compound which makes alone time so much easier! And I always feel safe so it's such a huge improvement to my situation before :) I'm the luckiest though because it's a small village and I get to work in all three aspects of the ministry of health. I get to work for the hospital with the dietician, the town health center with the school team, and then my health center for the NCD team!! I'm so excited :)
We actually just got to training this past week and it's been slow but very relaxing. Plus nice to see the rest of the volunteers. The couple volunteers I'm closest to are actually the ones I'm closest to in distance too so it's really nice. I really miss my group in Vanua Levu though. They were just a great group of girls! But down here on Viti Levu is nice too. It's funny because I have seen all current PCV's which most of the others won't get to do anytime soon, so I'm obviously very spoiled with some PCV loving. But me and my ridiculousness keep acquiring crazy migraines to the point of tears and blurred vision. I'm in the hospital but no worries, things are looking up!!
Some of my more recent adventures include going to do NCD screening and presentations at local hotels. It's funny because I am in hotel central of Viti Levu, 6 in my area alone I think. But the hotel people are really nice. And they provide lunch since we're usually there all day. Which they have tomatoes!!! And let me tell you, I think my new obsession is avocados and tomatoes!! Yummyyy!! Then I went to visit another volunteer barely an hour away and we got all fancy with the spices and made pumpkin curry! It was nice to just relax and have fun, then play with new kids. I'm sort of in love with the children of Fiji. Their happiness and fearless mindset is so contagious. The love that Fiji can bring is a breath of fresh air to the mindset I had in the states.
Also, I've waged a cockroach war on my new house. According to some of the locals, my house was decomposing until the current church ministers came to try and revive some of it. Now I'll have two porches!! I will show pictures once its done! Of the beach and the village too!! My village is wonderful and the people are really nice!! They have traditional bures, and its a spoiled village for sure :) according to another volunteer, a villager expressed to her that their volunteer (me) is KaiViti and vosavakaviti taladrodro which means I'm from Fiji and I speak Fijian fluently which is a huge compliment to me. My usual breakfast is eggs, lunch is probably tuna and crackers, and dinner is usually noodles or something with avocados and tomatoes if I've been to the market that day. Below are some photos of the inside of my house!!
Oh and of course as some of you saw we had a small scare of a possible tsunami but nothing happened! Though they are a possible threat, the tsunami would have to go through a lot of land before it hit Fiji so it won't be too harsh if they did hit! :) well if you have any questions let me know!! Sometimes I feel like I'm not saying everything I should or what you really want to kno about lol!
Moce mada! (mo-they manda)
Goodbye :)